
Marilyn Kaplan, RA, FAPT

Marilyn Kaplan founded Preservation Architecture in 1990. Trained as an Architect and Building Scientist, Ms. Kaplan is an expert in the application of codes (fire, building safety, and energy) to historic structures. Ms. Kaplan has directed scores of projects, many of which are publicly-funded, ranging from project planning through construction, and has served other design professionals as a historic preservation or code consultant. Volunteer efforts include consistent service to a local, neighborhood housing corporation and other community efforts.

Ms. Kaplan has long provided state and national leadership on the topic of next generation construction codes for historic and other existing buildings.  She serves as co-chair of the Technical Committee on Codes and Standards of the Association for Preservation Technology International, and as a member of the International Code Council’s Group B International Existing Building Code (IEBC) Development Committee for the 2021-2022 and 2024-2025 code development cycles.

  • Lifetime Achievement Award. Historic Albany Foundation. 2024

  • Lead Researcher, APTI/National Center for Preservation Technology and Training Research Grant, “Improving Rehabilitation Codes for Historic and Existing Buildings.” 2023-2025

  • Getty Foundation, Conservation Guest Scholar. 2022

  • Pocantico Center Preservation Fellowship (Rockefeller Brothers Fund & National Trust for Historic Preservation), “Advanced Codes for Historic Buildings.” 2019

  • National Code Summit Co-Chair, Association for Preservation Technology. 2019

  • James Marston Fitch Fellowship: New Codes for Old Buildings. 2006

  • Quinque Fellowship: Fire Protection at Scottish Historic Sites. 2004

  • Co-author, with John M. Watts, Jr. Fire-Safe Building Rehabilitation, NFPA. 2003

  • Presidential Citation, The Association for Preservation Technology International. 2001

  • Participant (NPS representative): International Existing Building Code Committee. 2000

  • Draft National Historic Building Code: (with Fire Safety Institute for APTI and NPS). 2000

  • NPS Training Manual: Fire Safety, Codes and Heritage Preservation (Fire Safety Institute). 2000

  • Pew Charitable Trusts, Program Assessments: Philadelphia Intervention Fund. 1997, 2000 

  • “History of Building Codes,” Master’s Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 1996

Marilyn E. Kaplan, Preservation Architecture is certified as a WBE through the New York State Empire State Development’s Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) certification program; and the New York State Department of Transportation as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) for federal projects.


Fellow, Association for Preservation Technology International

Co-chair, Association for Preservation Technology Technical Code Committee

Commissioner, City of Albany Historic Resources Commission

Architectural Assessor, Collections Assessment for Preservation Program, Foundation for Advancement in Conservation

Advisory Committee/Past Board Member/Secretary, Historic Albany Foundation


Past President/Founding Board Member, Historic Preservation Education Foundation

Board Member/Past President/Founding Member, Association of Preservation Technology Northeast Chapter

Member, National Fire Protection Association, Committee on Cultural Resources

Board Member, Historic Eastfield Foundation

Chair, National Park Service Conference on Historic Building Codes, March 2003

National Park Service Conference Planning Committees, 1997 and 2000 Preserving the Recent Past Conferences; 1999 Historic Roofing Conference; 1986 & 1997 Historic Windows Conferences; 1990 & 1993 Historic Interiors Conferences; 2004 and 2007 Historic Building Code Conferences.

Board Member, US Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites

Panel Member, Rural New York Grant Program; Preservation League of New York State; NYS Council on the Arts - Architecture, Planning and Design


International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, School of Architecture, M.S. Building Science

Syracuse University, School of Architecture, B. Architecture

State University of New York at Albany